About Me

Creating A Solid Medical Plan For quite some time, I wasn't sure what I was going to do about my failing health. I knew that I had a few longterm health problems, but resolving the issues felt really difficult. Fortunately, a friend of mine mentioned going to the doctor, so I began looking for medical alternatives. I began working with one doctor who suggested a course of medications and a few lifestyle changes, and I was really enthusiastic about the progress I was making. I know that making health and medical changes helped the quality of my life, and I know it could help you too. Check out this blog for more information.



Symptoms That Your Child's Pediatrician Should Know About

When you're a first-time parent, you probably aren't sure when you need to call your pediatrician when your child is sick. It can be alarming when your child is sick, especially when you haven't had experience with fevers, vomiting, and other common childhood illnesses. You know your baby better than anyone, so if you feel there is a problem with your child, then getting medical help is probably a good idea. Here are some times when you should think about calling your baby's doctor about worrisome symptoms.

Vomiting Or Diarrhea

A few bouts of vomiting or diarrhea may not be a problem, but if your child vomits frequently, then getting advice from your doctor can help prevent dehydration. When your child can't keep fluids down, dehydration becomes a concern. Your child's pediatrician can evaluate the seriousness of the vomiting and determine if your child needs treatment or fluids. Also, while vomiting is often a symptom of a stomach bug, it can also be a sign of a different medical problem that your doctor should know about.

Colds And Earache

Kids can get earaches easily when they have a cold. An earache can be painful, and a baby can't let you know the exact cause of discomfort. Your baby may pull at his or her ears or be fussy and cry. Your doctor may want to treat an earache with medication so your baby doesn't have to suffer with pain. Even colds without an earache can be cause for concern in very young babies. If your child seems congested and has trouble breathing no matter what their age, call your doctor. When breathing difficulty is the issue, you may need to take your child to the ER for immediate attention.

Abdominal Pain

Sometimes, pain in the abdomen can be from gas. Other times it can be a sign of a medical problem. Also, your child might have difficulty letting you know where the pain is located. If your child complains of a tummy ache or if they cry when they urinate, it's best to have the problem checked by your doctor in case your child has a urinary infection or other problem. Stomach aches are fairly common in kids and they aren't always serious, but it's better to let the pediatrician know about the symptoms your child has.


Fevers are common in young children, and they can be very concerning because they can be higher than what you're used to seeing as an adult. If you're concerned about a high fever or a mild fever that's lasted a few days, call your doctor. A high fever can be dangerous and a mild fever that lasts a long time is a sign of an infection somewhere that may need to be treated.

As you get used to being a parent and have more time with your child, you'll get used to symptoms that are cause for alarm and what is just a normal part of childhood. Until then, you should call your pediatrician when you have a concern. This will benefit your own peace of mind and ensure that your young child's health is protected.
